Monday, March 25, 2013

tHe MoM tHiNg...

tHe MoM tHiNg...being a mom does not come with a manual.  the mom does the best she can...she tries her hardest...she gives it everything she has.  when the children are little she teaches them to be love.  she teaches them right from wrong.  the mom decides between time outs...sitting on a chair and swats on the fanny for discipline.  sometimes the mom goes to bed thinking to herself...could she have done better?  she wakes up the next morning with new resolve and continues being the best she knows how to be.  the children grow up.  a mom's hardest days are seeing her child hurt...disappointed...discouraged...lonely or sad.  the mom knows that as hard as it is to see her children feel these emotions...they must.  they will be stronger...better...smarter because of those hard times.  the mom sometimes looks back and wonders if she did enough to prepare her children for life.  this mom hopes so.  this being said...this mom wants to hop on a plane and hug her missionary who had a tough week...sometimes being a mom is hard...

                                  A family from my old area 

well this week was freaking hard....hardest week of my mission so far and stressful and we are technically starting from square one with this ward who doesn't do a single thing... the first week seemed alright but it took a step back this week and we are going to have to work super hard! but better that way right??

it made me think of how god really does want us to enjoy this life we have with the families we have and the friends we have. he really does love us enough to give us this opportunity to have fun with these people! enjoy it while you can because it is hard being away from all you guys and all my friends!
my comp is awesome and i am actually having a fun time with elder loar...he is just like me and my friends if you can imagine that its awesome! we have a heck of a time together and i know we will be friends forever...!!


                this is my new best friend chancho which means PIG

but i love it out here and am making new ones. sooo some funny stuff that happened this week is that a dog tried to bite me in the street  that was sketchy...but i said some special words in spanish and he ran away haha    so also i got letters from sandy rice so tell her thank you mom! and from nancy bickley too!! tell them thanks too :) so i need tanner nielsons email as well. i want to chat with that fool! i am doing good. i'm in a really hard sector but am doing really well! i love it out here!!! love you guys!! 

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