Monday, December 24, 2012

TaTe'S cAr...EuGeNe...

                            zone conference activity

TaTe'S cAr...EuGeNe...  i hope you remember about a student that i wrote about in an earlier blog...henry.  well yesterday in the idaho state journal on the front page their was a story about henry and his family.  it seems his family has had many struggles and henry decided to write a letter to santa asking for only one thing and that was for his father to get better.  henry's father is in need of a kidney transplant and they don't have a car to get him back and forth to treatment.  as i read the article i couldn't help but cry...i knew what we needed to do.  you see tate's car sits in the garage unused.  it is not a fancy car by any means but it runs.  it has made it thru tyson driving it to century, taryn driving it to highland and then of course tate.  tate actually named it eugene.  i told greg what i was thinking and at first he thought i was just being emotional.  but as usual when i come up with these ideas he usually comes around to my way of thinking.  you see i usually react first with my heart and then with my brain. greg thinks first logically and then with his heart.  we made the call and eugene will be going to henry's family.  i knew that tate would want it that way.  here is what tate said...okay so mom.....i am so glad you gave my car away...i cried when i read that story as i always do when you tell me things like that...i am glad that it can find a place for use and not be wasted... eugene will be an amazing blessing for them.

                                                                               tate in the shower  

here is my christmas message.... as  i go into all these chilean houses down here i cant help but think of all the blessings i have in my own life that these people couldn't even imagine in theirs. most families down here don't care about getting a ton of presents or anything like that...its all about family for them...that's why they look forward to it...because their whole family gets together... one thing i want to challenge our WHOLE family to do this christmas is DONT THINK SO MUCH ABOUT ALL THE WORLDLY GIFTS AND PRESENTS YOU WOULD RECIEVE FOR CHRISTMAS.....BUT THINK ABOUT THE HEAVENLY ONES YOU RECIEVE DAILY FROM YOUR SAVIOR...BECAUSE WITHOUT HIS BIRTH...THE VERY THING WE CELEBRATE THIS TIME OF YEAR....WE WOULD HAVE NOTHING..

                                                                elmo hat and making cookies



                                                                          tate caroling falalalalala

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